Are you ready to focus on your Spiritual Development?

Join The Watershed Universe-ity, a vibrant community of spiritual go-getters, who are all as eager as you to learn more and expand their awareness with new concepts, discussions, tools and resources.

Introducing: The Watershed Universe-ity!

A monthly membership designed to support you through your spiritual development, expansion and growth.

Access to an online library full of spiritual development foundational tools, strategies, meditations, and information - with monthly updates

Attend regular online Masterclasses (including guest teachers/speakers) on things like "Navigating the Empath", "Kinesiology", "Tarot", "Discerning Energy", "Mediumship", "Channeling", "Breathwork" - plus so many more!

Be part of a community of likeminded Souls who are on similar journeys to you. Interact, learn, and make new friends.

In person meet-up held once a year

What exactly is included in my monthly membership?

We're glad you asked! Here's what you get:

Access to an online library full of spiritual development foundational tools, strategies, meditations and information - with monthly updates

Monthly Tarot/Oracle Reading added to library as a video

Regular meditations uploaded to your library

Regular online Masterclasses (including guest teachers/speakers) on things like "Navigating the Empath", "Kinesiology", "Tarot", "Discerning Energy", "Mediumship", "Channeling", "Breathwork" - and so many more!

Quarterly Quantum Pods - where advanced spiritual concepts are discussed, activations and attunements are facilitated, and Quantum Healing is received

Fortnightly/Monthly "Coffee Dates" - where you have access to me answering all of your spiritual and "other" questions, shared from my current level of awareness and understanding

Regular challenges, including the 4 week Clean Eating Challenge - perfect for the reset after Christmas and New Years

FREE access to my program "Money. Play. Movement." launching in May/June 2024

Soul Intentions Journal - ready for you to print out and use throughout the year to record your experiences from the Masterclasses, Monthly Readings, Meditation Videos etc, plus utilise this journal to set and track your goals!

Early access to all discounted sessions and programs whilst a member of The Watershed Universe-ity

Facebook group for additional support, information and community interactions

App to use on your phone for quick on-the-go access

Only $44.44 AUD per month - billed monthly - cancel at any time

Sign up and start expanding your awareness today!

Don't hesitate! Click the button below, join our community and explore new ways to evolve within your spiritual development journey.

Meet your Watershed Universe-ity Guide: Amber

Hello Beautiful Soul, I'm Amber!

I'm a Quantum Healer, QHHT Practitioner, Teacher, Light Worker, and a Psychic Empath, and I work closely with those individuals who require shifts on a multitude of levels for their spiritual awakening and healing journey.

For over fifteen years, (more like twenty!) I've been learning and honing my craft – bringing together my knowledge and experience to create spiritual development programs, workshops, and events, that I run through my business “The Watershed Initiative”, based in Perth, Australia.

I also released my first book in early 2023 called “Explore & Evolve (Volume 1)”, which is a great accompaniment to your Watershed Universe-ity membership. Book 2 (Explore & Evolve (vol 2): Beyond the Ordinary) is due to be released in 2024.

I'm so looking forward to sharing my experiences and inner-standings with you, via The Watershed Universe-ity platform. Let's expand some more together!

Much Love,

Amber x

Amber Cumings

CEO of The Watershed Initiative

Copyright @ 2023 - All Rights Reserved. The Watershed Initiative.